Wednesday, January 28, 2015

All things bright and beautiful

We are nearing the end of an exciting and colorful unit! We have created alloys, studied the chemistry of color, made stained glass, Prussian Blue, and an array of squishy polymers - all while learning about the complexities of chemical bonding. So much of art is chemistry.

Here's just a small sample of some of this unit's creations:

Brass pennies:

Prussian Blue Painting:

Borax stained glass beads:

Polarity Art w/ shaving cream & food coloring:


Next week I can't wait to see the gallery of artwork that will be coming in. The goal of this unit was to explore the connections between chemical bonds & artwork - now everyone has the opportunity to create a piece of artwork made possible by chemistry! I am amazed year after year at the creativity of my students, and am very much looking forward to seeing how they will blow me away this year!